Valuation of property

Certified Real Estate Valuation Reports

The preparation of a certified valuation report can be used in any case where legal entities or natural persons wish to be informed about the Market Value of their fixed assets or real estate, for any reason whatsoever.

By way of indication and not restrictively, the objectives for the preparation of a valuation report are:

  • Acquisition, lease or sale of property
  • Collateral to secure bank lending
  • Settlement of inheritance issues
  • Legal claims
  • Compensation for expropriation
  • Insurance 
  • Accounting reports
  • Adjustment of lease payments
  • Retrospective valuation at a specific period of time in the past

The founder of the company is a recognized valuer, meets all legal requirements and is certified as a “Recognized European Valuer”. As a valuer, the founder has been conducting and drafting valuation reports since 2003, and is highly experienced with, already, a portfolio of 4,500 valuation reports.

Valuations meet all the requirements of the European Valuation Standards (EVS) and may be used after appropriate adjustments even for the implementation of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), according to which tangible fixed assets and investment property may be displayed not at historical cost, but at fair value.

 Association of Greek Valuers Record No: 0197

TEGoVA No : REV-GR/AVAG/2017/119

Ministry of Finance Record No: 11

Certified Valuers of the TCG (Technical Chamber of Greece) Record No: 0025

Valuation reports according to Scenarios

The need to determine the value of a property, as per various scenarios is extremely common. The prospect of development of land, the scale of the increase in the value of a property following renovation, the impact on value following urban planning changes, the upcoming tax changes and the early information on these changes are some of the cases in which a study of various scenarios is required in the context of a property valuation report. The need to study scenarios is more urgent in professional real estate, where values significantly affect the financial statements of the company. In any case, a decision following a substantiated valuation report of property exploitation scenarios is an important step to ensure added value for each property.