Permitting and legalization of illegal constructions

Building permits

The execution of most medium and large-scale works requires the issuance of a building permit, which can now be issued electronically, with the care and diligence of the engineers involved. Whether it is for commercial buildings or for residential buildings, the company offers all services related to permitting. More precisely, we undertake all the required surveys, according to the specified needs.

Depending on the project, but also on the area and its uses, all relevant approvals and authorizations are required. The sequence of undertakings includes, but is not limited to:

  • Topographic survey
  • Land-use check
  • Building quota restrictions
  • Obtaining necessary approvals (archaeology, forestry, road formation)
  • Draft drawings
  • Final architectural designs
  • Other surveys (structural, mechanical, energy)
  • Fees – fiscal stamps
  • Issuance of a Building permit

Legalization of illegal constructions

The legalization of unregulated constructions is necessary in cases where the legality of a property needs to be certified and more precisely, in cases of transfer of property, of a requirement to issue an electronic ID for buildings, of a certificate of inclusion in the program Exoikonomo, etc. It is advisable to legalize illegal constructions prior to any requirement of certification of the legality of the property, due to an increasing trend of fines inflicted on unregulated constructions. The laws regulating such constructions date back to 1977, with the latest law having effect as of 2017, while many intermediary legalizing schemes have been adopted in the meanwhile (1983, 2007, 2010, 2011, 2013).

The legislation of illegal constructions is multidisciplinary, constantly changing and requires extreme attention, in-depth knowledge and correct interpretation of the legislative framework, in order to obtain the most favorable fines possible. The company fully, reliably and responsibly undertakes the legalization process of unregulated constructions, taking advantage of the regular constant update on legal provisions in force, offering flexible, favorable and always legal solutions for fines imposed on unregulated constructions.

Notifications of construction works

Some construction works do not require the issuance of either a building permit or a small-scale work permit, but the notification procedure needs to be followed. The procedure is done exclusively on line, and any necessary approvals are obtained from the services involved. Indicatively, the notification procedure is followed, inter alia, in cases of indoor and outdoor painting jobs without using scaffolding, of floor replacement or repair, and of installation of solar water heaters.

Small-scale construction works permits

The issuance of a small-scale construction works permit is necessary for small-scale building works that meet specific criteria, in order not to follow the procedure for issuing a building permit. Indicatively and not restrictively, among others, the works that require the issuance of a small-scale work permit are the installation of scaffolding, the replacement of frames, the installation of a thermal façades, the layout alterations and renovations. The procedure takes place exclusively electronically, obtaining all necessary approvals from the bodies involved, while the time of its issuance is significantly shorter than the time required for the issuance of a building permit. The company undertakes the entire small-scale permitting process.

Notification of professional activity

The notification procedure is the way in which the competent supervisory authorities are informed by the operator of an economic activity of the commencement and/or operation of its activity and of any change thereto. The procedure shall be carried out exclusively electronically, receiving the approvals from the bodies involved on a case-by-case basis.

 It is carried out by the natural person or legal representative of the legal entity which is to establish or operate the activity at a specific location and is a prerequisite for its establishment or operation respectively. Upon submission of the notification, the installation or the activity shall begin immediately, without the need for a relevant permit. This applies only to the activities or operations to which the notification regime applies.

It presupposes that the place where the economic activity is carried out meets all the spatial or technical requirements and that the required approvals have been obtained. A file with all the documents required by the relevant provisions (e.g. administrative permits, approvals, certificates, etc.) must be kept at the site where the activity is carried out.

The activities currently subject to a notification regime are:

  • processing and related activities
  • F&B establishments, theatres and cinemas
  • tourist accommodations and swimming pools within them
  • logistics and distribution centers
  • mining activities
  • environmental infrastructure systems
  • beauty labs
  • stand-alone dietary offices
  • multidisciplinary dietary units
  • language schools and centers
  • establishment and operation of aquaculture units
  • livestock farms
  • vocational training schools for forwarders and drivers of vehicles transporting hazardous goods
  • workshops for the maintenance or repair of motor vehicles, mopeds and normal or heavy-duty vehicles
  • car wash and/or lubricating workshops
  • indoor parking areas for cars, motorcycles and mopeds 
  • outdoor car parks, motorcycles and mopeds 
  • parking spaces for heavy duty vehicles
  • intercity bus stations
  • schools, faculty branches and drivers’ theoretical training centers
  • The company fully undertakes the process of notifying the commencement of a professional activity.

Issue of electronic ID of the property

The Electronic Building Identity is mandatory for all new and existing real estate transfers, as well as for new building permits, business operation licenses, loan contracts with banks and connections to the grid. 

The Building ID, together with the Certificate of Completeness, are kept in electronic form in the Built Environment Observatory and constitute documents that can be controlled

The procedure for the issuance of the building electronic ID is done exclusively electronically and includes the following steps:

  • On-site check of the building
  • Completing a specific form
  • Issuing a Certificate of Completeness of the Building / Certificate of Completeness of Independent Property

The supporting documents, as well as the completeness data to be included in the Building Electronic ID, are the following:

  • the document of the building permit of the building along with its revisions
  • the plans/drawings accompanying the building permit.
  • The Energy Performance Certificate of the building or of parts thereof.
  • The Construction Inspection Certificate/Certificate of Construction Conformity, if issued.
  • Declarations of inclusion in laws suspending the infliction of penalties on unregulated constructions.
  • The ​floor plans​, which depict the actual state of the building
  • The structural vulnerability report and the structural adequacy survey (statics), if required,
  • The table of ownership in millimeters and the cost allocation study of the building, if required,
  • The Certificate of Completeness for the Building Electronic ID

The company fully undertakes the process of collecting the necessary supporting documents, issuing the Energy Performance Certificate, issuing the Certificate of Completeness and the Building electronic ID.